Can You Hear Me?

Is Your CEO Brand Me or We?

Episode Summary

Building the right CEO Brand - With companies more focused than ever on their corporate reputations and brands, how the CEO builds her or his brand has never been more important. Social media, press releases, blogs and other thought-leader outlets are all available to you. So, what kind of leader do you want to be, and be seen as? Are you a “Me” brand leader, where your public image is based upon what YOU are doing, or are you a “We” brand leader, shining the light on and building up members of your team? There’s no right or wrong way to do it, but these strategies are starkly different. Listen to learn how to do it right!

Episode Notes

People can't trust leaders they don't know - social media is the perfect opportunity to share your vision and mission with audiences that matter to your success. Get off the sidelines and get started. Today, it's expected of leaders. If you're not on social that's perceived as a negative. Be sure to pick the right social platforms for your type of CEO Brand - Twitter is definitely not for everyone.  Don't be afraid to get started but once you do, stay consistent (even if that's only once per week!).  Leaving out family and personal life is fine, but you can never leave out your own personality! 

Brunswick Group's research on connected leaders. 

Flagship Social's list of Top 50 Execs on Social Media

OMR's LinkedIn Rankings of Influencers and Companies from July 2020